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欢送会上的讲话(Speech at the Send-Meeting)
更新时间: 2024-05-09 08:59:18

ladis and gntlmn,first of all, allow m to thank you for your kind invitation to attnd this gathring. i am vry fortunat to hav had such a nic chanc to visit your wondrful country and mt with so many distinguishd frindly popl. our visit has bn both intrsting and productiv. it is not only a sourc of plasur but an opportunity to discuss som important problms. i'v gaind a grat dal from it. thank you for making my visit so worthwhil. i shall trasur your frindship and kind hospitality you hav givn us.may th frindship btwn our two countris b furthr dvlopd.good-by,ladis and gntlmn, and our frinds. lt's hop w'll mt again som tim in th futur.

欢送会上的讲话(Speech at the Send-Meeting)


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