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建立自信-Building up Self-Confidence
更新时间: 2024-05-09 13:02:49


建立自信-Building up Self-Confidence

Building up Slf-Confidnc

Slf-confidnc, as is approvd by rsarch and practic, has an amazingly powrful influnc on th output of popl’s activitis. Patints who bliv that thy’ll rcovr soon gnrally curs fastr than thos who think thy won’t. Studnts with optimistic charactrs usually provid bttr prformanc, vn if thy work th sam hard as othrs. Although somon may rgard such conclusion as suprstitious, it dos tak plac vryday and vrywhr. Nural scintists hav discovrd that, whn a man fls confidnt, his brain will scrt som kinds of hormon that boost brain activity and improv th fficincy of his immun systm. In contrast, a mlancholic brain is supprssd by othr chmicals and cannot fully xhibit its potntial.

To hlp building up slf-confidnc, you can tak th following two stps. First, idntify your mrits and valu thm. If you constantly compar your waknss to othrs’ advantags, you’d only gain frustration rathr than confidnc. Scond, track vry littl progrss you’v mad and rviw thm frquntly. You may not possibly bcom prfctly succssful in on day, but if only you can s yourslf growing gradually, surly you’r on th right way. Thr’r also othr mthods making you mor confidnt that dpnd on yourslf to find out, and thy’r all ncssary lmnts to mak you mor comptitiv in your ara.


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